Ipswich Bariatric and General Surgery

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Why Bariatric Surgery

Why Bariatric Surgery

People in Australia and around the world are getting bigger, to the point that 27.3% of all Australians are classified as overweight/obese. The World Health Organisation has labelled this as an epidemic.

A body mass index (BMI kg/m2) of greater than 30 puts a person at risk of developing obesity (BMI >35) and the related medical problems.
These include
• Diabetes (6-12 x increase)
• Heart Disease (1.5x increase)
• High blood pressure (2 x increase)
• Stroke (1.5 x increase)
• Reduced life expectancy (2 x increase)
• Obstructive Sleep Apnoea ( stopping breathing when sleeping)
• Hastens the development of osteoarthritis of the joints (2-4 x increase)

A typical patient has tried multiple diets in the past and exercise with limited success, and then rebounded. This is a common story.

There have been multiple scientific publications and by the National health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) detailing the failure of diets, exercise and even medications to achieve lasting weight loss.

It is difficult to maintain weight loss, and at Ipswich Bariatrics we understand people need help to achieve successful long term weight loss. This is where Bariatric Surgery comes in.

The common procedures, Sleeve Gastrectomy, Gastric Bypass, and Gastric Banding have all been scientifically proven to enable long term durable weight loss. This effectively resolves/reduces all the associated medical problems of obesity listed above.

It improves your overall health, making you a fitter more active person, more able to enjoy life with family and friends.